Excuses Don't Sound As Good The Second Time Around

It's true. After a day spent prepping the kitchen in the cafe I work at (we were closed for supposed "remodeling" of which the only tell-tale signs are a new bathroom floor, and the pastry case in a new spot). We the staff were supposed to go out on the town. Since the last staff party was uncomfortably spent at an all-nude strip club (I find the distinction important. The ladies are not only All-Naked, it is also more participatory then a topless club) anyway, I haven't been able to get the image of a naked woman crawling on her hands and knees to pick up her tips out of my brain. Everyone else seemed to have a raucous good time, so I thought it best to sit this one out. I was all ready to approach my boss, saying, so sorry but I have to drive my roommate to the airport blah blah blah. Which was a convincing (in my mind) half-truth. My roommate was going to the airport, I just wasn't driving her. So, mere moments before my approach, one of my co-workers (the one I want to be friends with), explains she's so sorry, but she's driving her friend to the airport. Now I'm angry at her for using such an unconvincing lie, now no-one will believe I'm taking my roommate to the airport, which of course I'm not. Well, it was my excuse first (again only in my mind) so I used it anyway, chuckling with my boss about the coincidence that both of us were going to the airport, and oh, we should carpool...needless to say I got home just in time to fall asleep by nine.
but it was a good excuse...
reminds me of the dance when two people are heading for the same parking spot....but it was mine first.
Next time you can use my all time favorite student excuse for missing a test----"I have to be in jail"
i have not found a way to convince people that Children of Men was a great movie. I say the whole world in infertile and there is a civil war going on and one man has to save the only baby and they say we've had a very mild winter so far haven't we. Dad
I hope you used that opportunity to sidle up to your co-worker-friend-crush and have one of these conversations:
Carles: Heh. Heh. [smirks]
CWFC: Sorry?
Carles: Airport? Heh.
CWFC: ...
Carles: ...
CWFC: ...
Carles: Cool! See you later!
i'm sure it was much more awkward...
I'm sure it was.
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