
I Was Warned

Don't go whale watching. Everyone I talked to about the experience said they got horribly sick/didn't see any whales/were doped up on dramamine and only terror kept them awake. My dad, brother, sister-in-law and I headed out despite these warnings. It was one of the nicest days in San Francisco when we left, perfect weather, perfect day. Going under the Golden Gate, stunning. The boat hit some pretty big rolling waves, it was really fun, I was even jumping up at the crest of them, so I could "catch some serious air" as the boat went down, like they do on Deadliest Catch. Then I go inside the cabin to get a fresh battery for my camera, and when I come back out I instantly feel like I am going to die. Mere moments later I am crouched over the side vomiting for what seems like ages, while the entire tour looks on, because this is much more interesting than the whales we're not seeing. I know this is just motion sickness, but I can't get off the ride. I feel better for about five minutes, and then feel sick again. Of course now the boat is fogged in we can't see anything, and its misting. It is like this for hours. I'm alternately sleeping on my dad's shoulder, or praying to die (it's past the point where I am praying for it to get better). 6 hours on this boat. Long story short, NO Whales. The only time we stop the boat, the only thing we see all day, is this:
Which yes, is a bouy, and what's on that bouy you ask? Is it a dead sea lion who in his final throes beached himself there? Yes it is. Thank god I got to see that up-close and in its natural habitat. It was all worth it.

Also, if it's freezing cold and misty how do you get a horrible sunburn on your face that is just peeling now a week later?
Well, don't say I didn't warn you.


Blogger self_invasion said...

such a pretty picture
for such a sad subject.
more photos!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Von Pasi Stein Family said...

Someone who will remain nameless took me on a date in his dingy. We set out on a 3-hour tour leaving from the 79th street boat basin. 10 hours later we were under the Verranzano Narrows bridge with gigantic waves crashing on us. I have never in all my born days been so miserable, nauseated and angry at the same time. Plus I smoked pot to help with the nausea. MISTAKE. The date held me hostage and would not return to port. All I could think of was "murder, murder, kill, kill" We finally reached dry land, I stepped off of the boat, turned around and said "I will never speak to you again as long as i live".

8:37 AM  
Blogger Lillie said...


12:32 PM  
Blogger Von Pasi Stein Family said...

I don't remember his name. He was a set painter for movies. It was at least 20 years ago.
Carles? I am BSH's mother. You make me laugh very, very hard.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Chef Chris, Cook Caitlin said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Chef Chris, Cook Caitlin said...

Thank you.
Is it alright if I start calling you my #1 fan? Like Misery?

9:01 PM  

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