Panacea TV
I don't have a lot going for me this week. I have a cold from my niece (she's always doing that) and I threw out my back mysteriously two weeks ago, it got better and better and then yesterday I couldn't move. I could talk about this all day if you let me. I didn't do anything to hurt my back, and I've never had back problems before, it just happened. For a hypochondriac this is a nightmare, unexplainable pain (I mean it is explainable I clearly have a tumor pushing against my spine). Picture it, lying face down trying to eat a greek salad, with my red raw cold nose, its pretty magic. So I'm fussy. But there is at least one hour everyday when I'm not thinking about me. Everyday this week there is TV premiere GOLD. Monday there was House of Carters
(Nick and Aaron Carter live together with their sisters in one of the most magical forced dramas I have seen, there is no reason for them to live together except for the fact that they are getting paid to live there and it's beautiful), Nick beats Aaron behind closed doors, but don't worry you can still hear his screams. Speaking of which how cute is Aaron's little gun to the head pose in the ads. Precious. Plus the tag line, which goes a little something like, "Divided they've fallen...Together they just might stand a chance." Well, episode one and I already learned that those bruises Paris was sporting WERE from Nick after all, so case closed everyone. Last night was the season 3 premiere of Veronica Mars.
Happy. Plus Tina Majorino (Mac) is a full time character this year which is a pleasure. V. Mars is pretty funny, so mama likes it. And tonight is the night of all nights, the 3rd season premiere of LOST which is more exciting to me than I care to admit. Lets say I feel closer to Lost than I do my extended family.
And I think my priorities are in just the right place. So, enjoy, and let's hope your life is as exciting as mine.

But Caitlin, I just read an Us Weekly exlusive interview with Nick Carter in which he declares once and for all that did not beat Paris. Explain.
he beat the interviewer to keep her (and we know it was a her, cause you know he loves to hurt the ladies) quiet.
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